Lambay Island was a Neolithic axe factory. As well as stones being quarried here, they were also carved into “roughs” – and brought elsewhere for finishing. Between 1993-2001, there was a search in a valley on the western end of Lambay Island to search for evidence of the working of porphyritic andesite (porphyry) for stone axe production. This production was confirmed along with the placing Neolithic pottery and worked flint into sealed pits.
Balrothery – Standing Stone
It is a surreal mix of Celtic Tiger housing, an IRA hunger striker, and an ancient stone.
Laughanstown, Wedge Tomb
The Wedge Tomb in Laughanstown is about 50 metres from the junction of the M50 and Cherrywood. This once stood on high ground with great views to the south but the new road is 30 metres higher so the view is no longer clear
It is believed that there was a land-bridge connecting the south-east of Ireland to the south of England – this existed before humans arrived in Ireland. I mentioned this previously in the post related to the birth of the Irish Sea – where during the Ice Age there existed a freshwater late before it was finally submerged by the sea.
The Irish Sea is Born
It was 20 millions years ago that Britain and Ireland ended up where they are now. Almost 300 million years before that, the super continent Gondwanaland had began to separate in a north-south movement. Then 100 million years ago this shifted a an east-west separation, and by 40 million years ago the Atlantic Ocean was formed – and the continents as they are now were more or less in place 20 million years ago.