There is a mysterious carved face on an offshore rock near the Pans Rocks, Ballycastle beach. There are many local stories about the face…..
On the BBC website, Brian Willis asks if this is the Sea God as at the other end of Ballycastle Bay is a submerged rock which the waves crash over. This is called Carrick Manannan after the sea god Manannan who was one of Lir’s sons. He also considered if it might be Deirdre of the Sorrows. King Conor wanted Deirdre, his ward, to marry him but she fled to Scotland with her lover Naisi (or Naoise). Conor lured them back and one version of this traditional tale says they landed at Carrig-Usnach a rock at the east end of Ballycastle Bay. Conor killed Naisi and Deirdre committed suicide. Is this rock Carrig-Usnach? And is this Deirdre?
Other people makes suggestions which you can read here
According to photographer Philip Hay the face was was carved by stonemason, Charles Darragh around 1890 whilst working on the Parish Church in the town. (according to local historian, Danny Morgan)