The House Sparrow has taken food from the hand of strangers in parks. It is found throughout Ireland, though it tends to live close to humans and farms and as a result there are still large areas where you do not find House Sparrows.
There are less Tree Sparrows than in the past and you are more likely to find them in the east of Ireland.
Due to St Stephen’s Day and the Wren rituals, this bird is extremely well known in Ireland. It is one of the 20 most common birds in Ireland and is found all over the country.
The Robin needs no introduction in Ireland. I wonder are there places in the world where Robin’s are rare: “Hey what is that cure little bird with the red on his chest?”
Dunnock – Donnóg – Keeping a low profile
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The Dunnock is a common bird who causes very little uproar, and is a resident of Ireland.
Skerries Islands Special Protection
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The Skerries Islands are collectively of international importance because of their bird life.